Saturday August 14 (i know, long overdue) saw me leaving home at 5 am to get to Old Harbour Bay by dawn with a few other members of the UWI Camera Club. We were to do a 3 hour tour of the harbour in a fishing boat. Pretty cool if you ask me.Started off rocky (no eye for landscape) so the first few were pretty much rubbish. Eventually started to get into it a bit:

We were also blessed with a rainbow:
Then, further down, coming towards us, RAIN:
Thats right, rain. In the middle of the open seas. In a fishing boat. Yah. Our giude said that during rain we cant go anywhere, we just have to sit tight and wait it out. And so we did. I wasnt sufficiently prepared, luckily a fellow member had a spare "poncho in a pack" that i was able to use to shelter from the rain.
Eventually the rain stopped and we were on our way again, and stopped by the 1st of 3 intented quays around the harbour (the name escapes me at the moment). Can you say PRETTY!!

Think this was most of the landscape shots. In part 2 i'll post some non-landscapes I took on the quay(s).