About Me

Diallo Dixon
I am a Jamaican photographer who captures a wide variety of subjects through his viewfinder. As my roots lie in black & white film work, I tend to lean towards b&w for digital work. My non-commissioned work tend to lean towards fine art or wall art works, however im also available for commissioned work such as weddings, product photography and more. My official portfolio can be viewed at www.diallodixonphotography.com
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  • Sunday, February 27, 2011
  • Diallo Dixon
  • Labels: , , ,
  • Last day of vacation before I go back to work, wanted to get some shooting in. Started off going to Castleon Gardens, bright sunny day, blue sky, the works. By the time I got there, as I parked, rain. Nah, shouldnt last too long. Hour and a half later, still raining.

    Ok, fine.

    Took my umbrella and decided to try shooting while holding the umbrella. Didnt work out. Got a bit fustrated and decided to go somewhere else. Palisados? Or Hope Gardens? Palisados too far, Hope Gardens it is.

    As I drove in I noticed a lot of leaves on the ground below one of the garden's large trees. Looks promising. Parked and walked over. Snapped this on the way:

    Got to the tree, started snapping away. Just when I was getting into a groove, my phone rang. Outside pipe at home burst, need to go home


    Decided I wasnt going to let this go to waste. I grabbed a couple of the leaves and took them home with me. Got home, dealt with the issue, then shot the leaves at home. This is how I started:

    I usually take the flash off camera but because of laziness/tiredness decided to leave it on camera, just to see what would happen. Since the leaves are flat and I have to bend over them to shoot them, I pointed the flash to the back of the sofa. The light coming from behind the leaves made for some interesting effects.

    This turned out to be one of the more productive photo sessions Ive had in a long while. Below is a few:

    Going for something a bit more abstract:

    This is one of the 3 entries that made it to the Art Fresh exhibition. "Down to Hades"

    You can see a few more at http://dillyseyes.exposuremanager.com/g/leafscape_series

    Art Fresh 2011

  • Sunday, February 20, 2011
  • Diallo Dixon
  • Labels: , ,

  • Orchids, Family, Jamaican society

  • Diallo Dixon
  • Labels: , , ,
  • Last Christmas my wife received a total of four orchids as gifts. Yes, four, all at once. She keeps one at the office and the other three at home. Ive been meaning to do a shoot with them but kept putting it off (lazy). During my vacation earlier this year one of the orchids had two flowers in bloom, two buds that never opened and were dying, one young bud, and a flower that had died. All this on one orchid stem, which made for a very interesting subject. Kind of reminded me of a family tree. So I kept it simple, used black foam core as a background, with just one light source. This is what I came up with:

    I'll be honest with myself here, I dont think I shot as much variety on this as I could have. I cam away from this feeling a little bit disappointed that I didnt do more with it, know what I mean?

    The last two below were shot with the original family tree idea in mind, but during editing, for some reason a completed different interpretation formed in my mind, more of a political nature (weird, I know). Anyway, here they are:

     This one I called "Jamaica on politics". This is what happens when you have something with the potential to grow into something beautiful and exotic but has all the life sucked out of it by politics.

    The next one is "Our Society":

    For visitors to this blog that have never been to Jamaica, we have a fairly interesting society where very upper class areas tend to be very close to very low class areas, as seen above with the beautiful brightly coloured flowers and the almost dead unopened buds beside each other. The two areas, even though both are products of Jamaica (products of the same orchid stem) they operate almost totally independent of each other (that darkened area between the flowers and the dying buds).

    You can tell me what you see.

    (btw "Jamaica on politics" is one of the three that will be in the "Art Fresh exhibition" on February 24.)

    Feather on a beach and lost dreams

  • Monday, February 07, 2011
  • Diallo Dixon
  • Labels: , ,
  • So on the last day of the honeymoon, the missus and I went to Lyme Quay. We got there at about 10 am and realized going there on a week day means you pretty much have the beach to yourself, which is nice. I knew she loved to nap at the beach so I took my camera along (im not much of a napper). After a couple minutes of walking around with uninspired shooting, I happened upon a feather lying on the beach.

    There was something about the feather, lying there on an almost deserted beach, that somehow spoke to me...

    I associate dreaming with flying (you know, the whole sky's the limit thing...or not...) so seeing a feather, a symbol of flight, lying on a deserted beach, was telling me a story...

    ...of dreams, aspirations, that have been lost, forgotten, shot down, never to be seen again

    Its a bit sad but hey you have to take the inspiration when it come:) I chose a shallow DOF because 1) I tend to love it and 2) to try to put a dream-like feel to this set

    So to attempt to end this post on a somewhat positive note: you have to work on your dreams to make them reality. You have to keep putting fuel to the fire to keep the passion going, or else you wont get where you want to go.


  • Sunday, February 06, 2011
  • Diallo Dixon
  • Hello folks! It has been quite a while since I posted but quite a bit has happened since then. Firstly, I got married, on the last day of the year no less, December 31 2010. So up til then everything was the preparations for the the big day, the big day, then enjoying the "after-big day". In addition to starting off the year as a married man and enjoying the "honeymoon phase" as they call it, ive been shooting quite a lot as im focused on building a portfolio, so I have quite a bit to share. In addition to this I have 3 photography jobs lined up. One is to do product shots for "Honeykist honey", a product line owned by my wife's colleague; another is product shots of jewelry for IslandGems in Sovereign, which is the same place through which I ordered my wedding ring; the third is a band member's wedding in March. Im also participating in this year's Art Fresh exhibition at the Mutual Gallery, they accepted 3 of my 4 submissions.

    So the year has started off with a bang (hence the title). Im really hoping that the momentum will continue for the rest of the year.

    Dont worry folks my next posts will have photos :)
