About Me

Diallo Dixon
I am a Jamaican photographer who captures a wide variety of subjects through his viewfinder. As my roots lie in black & white film work, I tend to lean towards b&w for digital work. My non-commissioned work tend to lean towards fine art or wall art works, however im also available for commissioned work such as weddings, product photography and more. My official portfolio can be viewed at www.diallodixonphotography.com
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Beautiful Earth Natural Hair Haven photoshoot

  • Friday, October 28, 2011
  • Diallo Dixon
  • Labels: , ,
  • Location: UWI Camera Club studio
    MUA: Bianca Welds

    When Bianca called me about this shoot I was intrigued, how do you do a shoot for hair? More specifically how do you light the subjects? I found myself buying some hair magazines and flipping through trying to figure out how the lighting was done, and also researched at the university of Google. It seemed there was not a lot to it, just make sure you light the hair enough and you should be good.

    So the lighting setup was a shoot through umbrella on one side above the model pointed down about 45 degrees, and another speedlight on the opposite side behind the model, diffused with the Gary Fong lightsphere. The models for the shoot follow a more natural lifesytle so they all had really nice skin...good canvas with which to paint :) Below are a few from the shoot:

    The boss lady of  "Beautiful Earth Natural Hair Haven" herself:

    Beautiful Earth Natural Hair Haven
    Shop #5
    151 Constant Spring rd
    Kingston 10

    Random Photo - Wedding-ness

  • Monday, October 24, 2011
  • Diallo Dixon
  • Labels: ,
  • Havent posted in a while, thought I would share one from a wedding I recently did (just one for now anyway).
