About Me

Diallo Dixon
I am a Jamaican photographer who captures a wide variety of subjects through his viewfinder. As my roots lie in black & white film work, I tend to lean towards b&w for digital work. My non-commissioned work tend to lean towards fine art or wall art works, however im also available for commissioned work such as weddings, product photography and more. My official portfolio can be viewed at www.diallodixonphotography.com
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Big Blue

  • Tuesday, August 02, 2005
  • Diallo Dixon
  • Truck Fest 2005 Image hosted by Photobucket.com


    Rae said...

    the people and bottles in this shot distract me from enjoying the image.

    Diallo Dixon said...

    Truth be told, I didnt even notice the bottles. The idea I was going for was the blue truck and the guy in the blue shirt, then the truck fading to white and matching the colour of the sky to the top left, while the blue sky at the top right matches the blue at the bottom of the truck. The only thing distracting to me is the man in the red shirt.

    Anonymous said...

    I get ur feel Yallo, I too did not notice the bottles. Yeah the red guy does throw it. But - the sky going into the truck and the colour change is excellent. Love it.

    Anonymous said...

    I think this one would've been more visually stimulating, if you had achieved the colour fade between the guys, the truck paint and the sky, if there was a hint of perspective. The guy in the red would've been celebrated instead of distracting, as in this elevational view. Good idea though.. you should try to capture an opportunity like this again.
