About Me

Diallo Dixon
I am a Jamaican photographer who captures a wide variety of subjects through his viewfinder. As my roots lie in black & white film work, I tend to lean towards b&w for digital work. My non-commissioned work tend to lean towards fine art or wall art works, however im also available for commissioned work such as weddings, product photography and more. My official portfolio can be viewed at www.diallodixonphotography.com
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Mr and Mrs Blacke

  • Friday, June 08, 2012
  • Diallo Dixon
  • The makers of "Last Call" presents their theatre production for 2012 called "Mr and Mrs Blacke". I was also afforded the opportunity of once again working with this team for their upcoming show. I must say that im very impressed with the way they are working to put this show together in terms of the preparations, the ideas, the marketing, everything. They are really going all out to come with something different in the theatre scene in Jamaica and they will be successful. In addition, being a part of this project has challenged me photographically just as it did last year for "Last Call" so im definitely grateful for the opportunity.

    I will write about the shoots for this show in upcoming blogs, but for now you can visit their facebook page http://www.facebook.com/eightsevensix or their website www.eightsevensix.com.

    To show how big they are going, see this photo of a billboard for the show on Old Hope Road:

