About Me

Diallo Dixon
I am a Jamaican photographer who captures a wide variety of subjects through his viewfinder. As my roots lie in black & white film work, I tend to lean towards b&w for digital work. My non-commissioned work tend to lean towards fine art or wall art works, however im also available for commissioned work such as weddings, product photography and more. My official portfolio can be viewed at www.diallodixonphotography.com
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Feather on a beach and lost dreams

  • Monday, February 07, 2011
  • Diallo Dixon
  • Labels: , ,
  • So on the last day of the honeymoon, the missus and I went to Lyme Quay. We got there at about 10 am and realized going there on a week day means you pretty much have the beach to yourself, which is nice. I knew she loved to nap at the beach so I took my camera along (im not much of a napper). After a couple minutes of walking around with uninspired shooting, I happened upon a feather lying on the beach.

    There was something about the feather, lying there on an almost deserted beach, that somehow spoke to me...

    I associate dreaming with flying (you know, the whole sky's the limit thing...or not...) so seeing a feather, a symbol of flight, lying on a deserted beach, was telling me a story...

    ...of dreams, aspirations, that have been lost, forgotten, shot down, never to be seen again

    Its a bit sad but hey you have to take the inspiration when it come:) I chose a shallow DOF because 1) I tend to love it and 2) to try to put a dream-like feel to this set

    So to attempt to end this post on a somewhat positive note: you have to work on your dreams to make them reality. You have to keep putting fuel to the fire to keep the passion going, or else you wont get where you want to go.


    Rae said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Rae said...

    I figure the comments directly on the blog last longer than the ones on Buzz :) but this is awesome D. I loved the way you took a very simple thing lying on a beach and turned it not only into great pictures, but great thought. I love them all but my favourite in the set is number 4. Excellent stuff!

    (had to fix the grammatical errors in my first attempt at this comment. lol)

    Diallo Dixon said...

    Thanks Rae, and yes I do appreciate you commenting here, its more permanent. Thanks!

    Diana Chen Thorburn said...

    "the missus" love it ;-)
    like the pics too
